VIDEO DEMOS:  RH 3 minute warping    RH Leno Lace    Hemstitching   Twining    Tying on to Warp Rod

GUIDES: Towel Sizes    Setts & Yards/#    Empty Cone & Bobbin Weights    Weaving Structures    Warp Calculator

HINTS: Drill Bit  -  Winding Multiple Warp Threads  -  To indicate a cut/fold line  -  Monk's Belts Hints

RESOURCES: Yarn  Periodicals  Weaving Software

FOR FUN: Acronyms


RH 3 minute warping video (scroll to bottom of page): http://knitty.com/ISSUEss15/FEATss15GW/FEATss15GW.php

RH Leno Lace Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZ1HN7-BY-U&feature=youtube_gdata_player

Hemstitching Tutorial Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_jd6F3-nTA&feature=youtube_gdata_player

Twining Technique Tutorial: https://youtu.be/n0YUEfK7v7Q

Tying on to the warp rod as demonstrated by Traudi Bestler: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8w2KrOiv84

 Instructions: 1. Put loop of shoelace around rod closest to you. 2. Put two ends of shoelace through the loop. 3. Bring the two ends over the top of the rod away from you. 4. Bring the two ends up between the two rods on either side of the shoelace between the rods. 5. Tie a bow with the two ends of the shoelace.


Standard Towel Sizes:

Fingertip Towels:11" x18"
Hand Towels: 16: x30", 16" x 25", 20" x 30"
Kitchen Towels: 16" x 28", 15" x 26"
Tea Towels: 16.5" x 24.5"

 Yardages and Setts for wide, plain, twill:

16/2 - 6,720 yds/lb - 24, 30, 36
10/2 - 4,200 yd/lb; 20, 24, 28
8/2 - 3,360 yds/lb - 16, 20, 24
8/2 tencel - 3,360 yds/lb - 15, 24
5/2 - 2,100 yds/lb - 13, 16, 18
8/4 carpet warp; 1,680 yd/lb; 10, 15, 18
3/2 - 1,260 yds/lb - 10, 12, 15
6 strand embroidery floss - 2,100 ypp
Sugar n Cream - 620 or 760 yds/lb, varies.

Weights of empty spools:

brassard 3/2 spool core, 12 grams = .42 oz.
half pound of 8/4 cotton =  ---
4" empty white plastic bobbin,  6.2 gm = .22 oz. 

Extensive collection of basic explanations of many weaving structures: https://www.marcypetrini.com/index.php/pictionary

Warp Calculator: https://weavolution.com/resources/weaving-calculator


·        The drill bit from Woolery is excellent for winding bobbins: https://woolery.com/speed-winder-insert.html

·        When winding warp from several spools pull the threads through a propped upreed to keep them apart. They should all unwind off the spool the same direction, likely counter clockwise.

·        To indicate a hemming cut/fold line either (a) weave 2-3 picks of a different treadling pattern or (b) one pick of a contrasting color thread in the same row as a pattern pick.

·        Monk's Belt Hints: Beat on a closed shed. At the selvedge only the tabby weaves at the selveges, the pattern weft needn't go around the selvedge thread. The tabby thread and pattern thread do NOT wrap around at the selvege. If using a temple, place it 1/4" from the fell and advance it eache 1-2"  



Yarn sources: I weave mostly cotton towels and prefer the quality of unmercerized 8/2 (Michael Brassard cotton) from Yarn Barn of Kansas. Perle (mercerized) cotton is preferable when doing runners or other pieces that don't need absorbancy. Woolery is also a good source for yarn and equipment.

Periodicals: Handwoven magazine goes back many decades and is full of pictures, drafts, and ideas. I've subscribed since 2014. Robyn Spady's online periodical Heddlecraft is an exeptional resource. I especially like that each issue includes many wifs. (WIF = Weaving Information File) This is their index of topics: https://heddlecraft.com/heddlecraft-index.html

Software: I use Pixeloom weaving software although I hear Fiberworks is the best. I like that WIFs are interchangeable with all the different weaving softwares. Using softward has changed my approach to starting a project, and now put every project I do into it. Since using it I always print out the threading and rarely have errors. I also print out the treadling but still make errors there.

STOLE: Stash To Outlast Life Expectancy
SABLE: Stash Accumulation Beyond Life Expectancy