SAMBA AND DEMBA STORY: Two married brothers in a Pulaar village depart to search for work outside the area. One brother, Samba, is a devout Muslim, and the other, Demba, is a "skirt-chaser." Samba is depicted praying while Demba is shown with a woman, not his wife. After counseling his brother to be a faithful husband, Samba realizes that his advice will not be taken, so he offers Demba a condom, but Demba refuses. Later the two brothers return home to their wives and children in the village. When Demba dies, the village mourns and Semba's father suggests that he follow tradition and marry his brother's widow. However, he is aware of his brother's previous careless actions with women and is afraid that Demba contracted the AIDS virus. The village elder suggests that he accompany the widow to the health post and ask that she be tested for the AIDS virus. In the end, she is diagnosed with HIV and a community discussion ensues. |