Jill's Kumihimo Website

Japanese Braiding

My Story

Kumihimo started for me back in May of 2012 at Book Club at Dayle's house. As we were leaving, Barb commented on Dayle's necklace, "I've done that one too."

"What is it?" I asked. And that was the beginning. They told me about Primitive Originals for ordering (still an excellent source of materials), and suggested I go to YouTube to learn how to do it. (Also excellent advice.)

Following earlier years of crewel then counted cross-stitch, sewing clothes, and every craft in every camp setting, my recent yen was for a table or floor loom, but I didn't want a big loom in my life. Then I found this.

And now...

I can't get enough of it. I experiment, I record, and experiment some more. My Samplers are as interesting to me as the wearable pieces. No, more interesting, actually.

I keep two books. One is a record of all the pieces, so I refer back to how they were made. The other book is other notes, some of the "Resources" section of this website.

When will I get tired of it? ...not yet, it seems.

My Muses: Dayle & Barb, Carolyn, and online muses ...

Weaving update:
Fall of 2013, I took a Weaving Class at Minnetonka Center for the Arts in Wayzata. While weaving on a big floor loom and loving it, I'm still not ready for a big loom in my life, so ...back to the 5" styrofoam kumiloom disks that fit in my purse.


Kumihimo History

Wikipedia says:
Kumihimo is a Japanese form of braid-making. Cords and ribbons are made by interlacing strands. Kumi himo is Japanese for "gathered threads".

The traditional wood floor stand was called a marudai. Modern kumihimo uses a round or octagonal styrofoam disk, about 1/2" thick and 5" across.